
mosaiced furniture collection.


The floating mosaiced coffee-table refers to the element 'water' as the whole mosaiced furniture collection but it features as well some of our liquid collections using coloured ink in resin emphasizing even more the important issue of water in certain locations: too much of rain or too few.



The shape of the table legs made of transparent acrylic recall the palafitts of Amazon river houses which were raised on piles to protect them against flooding. The openings of the table top instead incorporate the idea of the Indian stepwell reservoirs which are famous for their architectural significance in particular in the Bundi District, a place significant for its scarcity of rain and water. Stepwells are examples of storage and wells in which the water may be reached by descending a set of steps.


The two openings at the bottom of the coffee-table show the reproduction of little stairs, a shape of a small well, colourful mosaiced tiles which refer to antique floors and blue ink suspended in resin as if it would be floating water.




The tabletops are covered with glass in order to be functional as a table but if features as well some more small functionalities: Three wooden boxes can be turned around like in our up]side[down collection in order to become receptacles - able to contain objects of everyday life. Switching them around again the "openings" level off the surface of the tabletop. Moreover, one water proved box can be used as a small vase for flowers. The colours in the openings appear outside or beyond when reflecting onto the floor when the sun or artificial light comes into the room.


Used materials: handcrafted wood of chestnut, nut, cherry and elm wood, epoxy resin, transparent and coloured acrylic, glass

Dimensions: cm L 155 x D 80 x H 36 | unique editions: 10 + 1 a.p.


Concept: Nat Wilms | Design: Nat Wilms & Andrea Zambelli