
screens collection.

SCREEN DREAMER I << previous | next >>

The screen, adapted for creating a private atmosphere in order to change clothes and to check the look in a mirror, is made from old wood, blackboard, blown glass, mirrors, handmade paper, plexiglass and thin-film photographical pictures.


The images relate to the furnishing piece as both originate in India but also to the general idea of a tree of life, of open spaces and the importance of paper. Reflections about duality, projection and reversal, which are typical for a paravent, lead to the idea of playful and poetic multiple levels. Indeed, the images change continuously which depends of the light in the room and the position of the partitions of which the two lateral sides can be moved easily. The spatial extensions can be perceived in any part: the screen assimilates and reflects the surrounding.


Some mirrors of the middle piece reveal surprising views as it is made not only of an antique mirror but also of stopsol blackpearl, normally used for spying purposes. If the screen is located in a dark corner and the surrounding is brightly illuminated, the person who is standing behind the screen can observe the events around without being seen. The screen is called screen dreamer because full of optical surprises and reflections.


Used materials: old wood, lambda prints, old mirrors, stopsol blackpearl, plexiglass, blown glass, blackboard color, Japanese paper, stainless steel, wheels

Dimensions: variable, about cm L 183 x D 3 x H 162 | unique edition


Concept: Nat Wilms | Design: Nat Wilms & Andrea Zambelli